Recently, we barked about steps to consider when adding a new fur kiddo to the pack. Beds, bowls, and toys are purchased for the new kid, but what about pet health insurance?
Do we need it, and is it worth it?
Similarly to human health insurance, pet health insurance helps to cover the cost of medical expenses. And similarly to human doctor visits, veterinarian care can be costly regardless of breed or species.

When pet parents ask me about pet health insurance, I share my personal experiences with Athena. There was a pawful of times when she would become ill or injured. No different than a human child catching germs or scraping knees at school.
As she got older, her medical needs were more significant. She began to develop arthritis at 9 years old, was diagnosed with Cushing's Disease at 10, and rhinitis at 13 (basically, she had a constant snotty nose). She had seven teeth extractions, caught a paw infection, sprained an ankle, and had some weird rash, and the list goes on.
Her Cushings medications alone cost over $200 a month, plus $300 for her follow-up exams every 3-6 months to check her levels. Her teeth extractions cost over $2,000, and her nasal biopsy cost over $4,000. Her medical expenses did not include supplements, special diet foods, or scheduled wellness and vaccines. Woof! Having pet health insurance was worth it, as at least 70% of her medical expenses were covered by her insurance plan, providing significant relief from the financial burden of her care!

I had peace of mind that my baby girl could have access to care without worrying about cost. Her annual wellness check-ups allowed us to stay on top of her health and prevent any life-threatening diseases at a young age, thus living a whole life, a testament to the importance of regular check-ups in pet care.
Thanks to pet health insurance, Athena could live her best life. She gifted me 14 wagnificent years, and ensuring her access to care was a significant part of that.