Thanksgiving foods you can share with your pets.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year! We gather among friends and family and give thanks for the many blessings gifted to us. It's also the time of year when our diets are on hold, and we sneak a few tasty morsels to our pups.
With these foods, however, there's no need to be sneaky. When served plain, the following yummies are great for your pup and don't include seasonings, fats, and other unhealthy additives.
Sweet potatoes are a great source of fiber and are packed with vitamins B6, C, and beta-carotene. You can dehydrate them as yummy chews or serve mashed.
Potatoes, our favorite versatile root, can be a healthy addition to your dog's Thanksgiving meal if served boiled or baked.
When served without gravy, mushrooms, and crispy onions, green beans are a healthy and safe addition to your dog's Thanksgiving meal. They provide a good dose of vitamins C and K, plus manganese and fiber. Steam them up for a healthy serving.
As we know, pumpkins are great for upset tummies and for their skin and coat. You can serve them as is, but if you prefer canned, make sure they're pure pumpkin puree without any spices or sugary pie mixtures.

Apples are another vitamin-packed treat with loads of vitamins A and C and another fiber food. When serving, please cut around the core and dispose of the seeds, as they can be highly toxic!
Cranberries are packed with antioxidants and promote a healthy urinary tract system. You can serve them as is, but they might be tough to swallow. You can cut them up or serve them as dried fruit. Avoid cranberry sauce! Too much toxic sugars.
Turkey, hold the skin and bones. That's right NO BONES! Bones can break into sharp shards and tear internal organs. The skin contains fats and is most likely slathered in oil and salts that can cause pancreatic or digestive issues.